
How the Heck Did Dentists Become So Scary?

How the Heck Did Dentists Become So Scary?

When asked, “what do you want to be when you grow up,” most children don’t say, “a dentist.” Let’s face it, many people, and I mean many, have a love-hate relationship with their dentist. And that’s pretty sad because it takes a special kind of person to stare into a...

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Ten Most Frequently Asked Dental Questions

Ten Most Frequently Asked Dental Questions

Our teeth are pretty spectacular. They’ve been a part of our lives for decades. They help us talk and eat and kiss. But despite our familiarity with our chompers, we consistently get some great questions. Here are the top ten questions we receive. Is an electric...

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Is Transparency in Dentistry Possible? We Think So.

Is Transparency in Dentistry Possible? We Think So.

Healthcare today seems shrouded in mystery and unknowns - especially if you’re a consumer. You think you will see one dentist and then get switched to another when you show up for your appointment. And all too frequently, those services that you thought were covered...

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You Only Have One Set of Teeth – Keep Them for Life

You Only Have One Set of Teeth – Keep Them for Life

You Only Have One Set of Teeth - Keep Them for Life Unless you’re a small child, your teeth are all you have. But as human nature has it, we often don’t treasure those wonderful gifts until they’re at risk…or are gone. A perfect example is a teen who never had a...

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Not All Dentists Are Terrifying

Not All Dentists Are Terrifying

Not All Dentists Are Terrifying Dental Anxiety, Dental Phobia, and Overcoming Fear Depending on a person’s childhood, their feelings about visiting the dentist vary significantly.  Dental phobia, or a deep fear of the dentist, only affects around 10% of people....

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Don’t Shortchange Your Health – Slow Down When You Eat.

Don’t Shortchange Your Health – Slow Down When You Eat.

Don’t Shortchange Your Health - Slow Down When You Eat. You’ve heard the saying, “You are what you eat,” but did you know that the food you eat and even the speed with which you eat your food has been found to have significant life-saving benefits. The French and...

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Not All Dentists Are Created Equal and Why You Should Care

Not All Dentists Are Created Equal and Why You Should Care

Not All Dentists Are Created Equal and Why You Should Care You may be surprised to learn that not all dentists are alike. While the focus of their career is to help patients maintain health through preventative oral care and treating conditions such as cavities and...

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Dentistry is More Than Your Teeth

Dentistry is More Than Your Teeth

Dentistry is More Than Your Teeth Sara knew something was wrong. The pain in her mouth wasn’t improving, and after a year of hoping it would get better, she knew it was well past time for help. She decided to see Dr. Andy Engel of Living Dental Health. Through his...

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Common Myths Surrounding Food and Oral Health

Common Myths Surrounding Food and Oral Health

Common Myths Surrounding Food and Oral Health An unknown author once said, “You don’t have to brush all your teeth, just the ones you want to keep.” This person was on to something. Yes, keeping your teeth is important because, well, a person’s smile is the first...

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Starting the New Year with a Confident Smile

Starting the New Year with a Confident Smile

Transforming Your Year With a Confident Smile A smile is the universal sign of happiness. When we smile, we show others that we are happy, warm, and kind. The act of smiling makes us appear more approachable and likable and can even help us land a job and get...

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Dental Gifts You Never Knew You’d Love to Have

Dental Gifts You Never Knew You’d Love to Have

Dental Gifts You Never Knew You’d Love to Have Yes! We have almost made it through another year. And as we pat ourselves on the back for a pandemic year survived (kind of), we gulp in earnest and realize that the start of December also means we are in the throes of...

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Back to the Basics: Dental Tips from Your Dentist

Back to the Basics: Dental Tips from Your Dentist

Back to the Basics: Dental Tips from your Dentist From a young age, most people are taught the importance of oral hygiene - you know, brushing twice a day and even flossing. But have you ever wondered whether you were doing it right? Have you wondered whether or not...

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Some Wise Advice on Wisdom Teeth Removal

Some Wise Advice on Wisdom Teeth Removal

Removing wisdom teeth is a rite of passage of sorts, something almost every high school or college student experiences. A good dentist will prepare the teen for what’s to come, providing updates on how their wisdom teeth are coming in and advising when to have them...

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The Icky Truth About Gum Disease and Why You Should Care

The Icky Truth About Gum Disease and Why You Should Care

The importance of brushing your teeth twice a day is widely known and hard to debate. Even super busy and lackadaisical personalities eventually succumb to the calling of their lonely toothbrush. But flossing is thought by many to be something extra - and according to...

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Living Dental Health